Photograph by
Jeff GrandyJeff told us it had been snowing on and off the day he made this photograph. At just the right moment the clouds broke for a minute allowing him to make 5 exposures before the clouds and mist moved in again and the nice evening light was off the waterfall.
Each February photographers come from far and wide in hopes of catching perfect light on Horsetail Falls. Next month if conditions look good, our staff photographers will lead afternoon photography classes to the perfect spot for photographing Horsetail Fall. At only $95 for a four hour session, our afternoon digital photography classes are a tremendous value. Read more on our website or call Christine, Evan, or Dustin at the Gallery for detailed information. 888-361-7622. You can also send us an email at yosemite@anseladams.com
We invite you to read more about photographing this unique waterfall on Michael Frye's
blog. Michael is the author of the
The Photographer's Guide to Yosemite. Signed copies of his book are available by mail order or by stopping by the Gallery on your next trip to the park.