Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Yosemite Renaissance Celebrates It's 25th Anniversary

Bruce Klein, Pink Sky, acrylic, 22x28

The Yosemite Renaissance annual juried competition and exhibition, which is intended to encourage diverse artistic interpretations of Yosemite, celebrates it's 25th season! Its goals are to bring together the works of serious contemporary artists that do not simply duplicate traditional representations; to establish a continuum with past generations of Yosemite artists; and to help re-establish visual art as a major interpretive medium of the landscape and a stimulus to the protection of the environment. Historically, the arts have played a very important role in the establishment of our State and National Parks. Through art programs and competitions such as this, it is the hope that the arts can be just as important in future efforts to preserve and protect that heritage.

The Yosemite Renaissance XXV competition is open to all living artists. Subject matter is limited to recent works on the landscape, environment, wildlife and people of Yosemite or the environment of the Sierra. Both representational and non-representational submissions are accepted. Original artwork may be in any medium including the following: Painting (any medium); Photography/Digital; and Other (All other two- and three-dimensional media, including drawings, pastels, printmaking, textiles, and all 3-dimensional works)

At least $4,000 in cash awards will be distributed at the discretion of the judges. Purchase awards may be given as well.

A special award of $300 will be given to the best piece inspired by Hetch Hetchy that the jurors select to be included in the exhibit.

Deadline for submissions is November 14, 2009. Please visit the Yosemite Renaissance website for more information.

The Yosemite Renaissance is a non-profit organization for the arts of Yosemite, supported, in part, by funds and services from the Mariposa County Board of Supervisors, Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts, the National Park Service and the Ansel Adams Gallery.

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